Felt So Fine

Felt So Fine

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

P: Pets

P is for PETS! This is a gratuitous post to introduce you to the other animals in our family. Even though they are strictly outdoor creatures and they do not vacation with us, wear clothes, or eat gourmet food they are still an important part of our lives and we love them! Right now we have four pets in our care.

First is Lily, the buck rabbit. Lily is somewhat androgynous because we really don't know whether to use he or she when talking about him/her. He/she started out as a girl and we loved her and named her Lily. And she loved us! When Lily was about 6 months old I was holding her and petting her and I had her cradled on her back like a baby and was scratching her tummy when I noticed a TUMOR growing on her abdomen. I gasped and thought "Oh no! Not our Lily!" But my fear turned to confusion when I suddenly noticed ANOTHER tumor, exactly the same shape and size right next to the first one. "What?" I thought. And then, "Ohhhhhhh." We didn't tell the kids for about three years. Moral of the story: Don't ever believe the teenage boy at the farm store who says, "Yes, this is a girl." Because what he is really thinking is, "How the hell should I know? Just buy the stupid rabbit already!"

Next on the food chain is Ginger. She is our mommy cat. But due to some promiscuity 2 years ago (once we can understand, but twice in 3 months?? Noooo, ma'am!) she is past her kitten bearing years. She's a good girl though. She has a favorite spot on the window sill outside the family room. She can watch over her domain and her family at the same time.

Here she is with her first litter. She had ONE! Weird, right? But, as I said above, then proceeded to have four more 10 weeks later. They found new homes, but this little guy got to stick around.
His name is Tigger and here he is two years later. He's a beauty. Really! I think his face looks like a bobcat--which I'm sort of partial to. He and his mom are also good mousers. Which is probably the ONLY reason Matt hasn't put an arrow through them both.
Last summer he adopted Claire. Anytime she went outside he was right there with her. It was a mutual love and fun to watch.

Last but not least we have Belle. Her official AKC name is Belle O' the Ball. Because we're Irish. Or Southern. Or she likes to fetch. Or everything else that went with "Belle" was already taken. Or something like that. But for the first few years of her life her name was NoBelle. Like the prize. OH MY GOSH! Do not underestimate anyone who ever tells you that a puppy is a lot of work! She's five now and it's SOOOO nice to finally see some mellowing going on.

But look at that face! So stinkin' cute.
A picture of her first hunting season. She does AWESOME! Never runs out of energy and finds and retrieves the birds amazingly well. (Or so I'm told--you won't find me tromping through the river bottoms on a frosty November morning!)
Here she is looking slim and trim on a little outing we took one evening.

She totally thinks she's a kid. Once I took her for a run and we went past SO many dogs and she never left my side. Then we got to the school and the second she saw the kids she was gone!
We really weren't trying to be mean in this video.
And here she is this morning. In dog years she's about my age now, so I'm not going to judge her too harshly for those extra inches of winter blubber. But she and I have some running to do!


Barbara said...

These pets are so lucky to have such a great Mom and Dad and to be part of your family.

Haley L said...

I cannot show this post to my kids. They want as many pets as their cousins! Thanks for making me look bad. ;)