This picture was taken on October 29th. They had been weaning him from his sedation gradually and this was the first day that he was awake enough to do an activity. I told him that Halloween was in two days and asked if he'd like to paint his pumpkin. He did the whole thing completely by himself.
On Halloween his cousins and Aunt Anneke came to the hospital to trick-or-treat to Spencer.
Kara and her mom handing out candy:
Cousin Abbie:
Our amazing warrior! (He even has the battle scars to go with the costume!)
He made out like a bandit that day, filling TWO big buckets of candy! He showed us how strong he was by lifting one of them up off of the bed by himself--and then smiled his first real smile at his success.

This is such a great story! He was able to participate after all...your family amazes me!
What a terrific thing that in the midst of that huge battle he was still able to have some normalcy. How apropos the warrior costume is for him!
It was great that Spencer was able to somewhat enjoy Halloween be it in hospital he is such a strong brave little boy
Sweet baby! He looks so great in his little costume. Makes me wanna give him a huggy. Although he would freak since he's never actually met me.
One day he will know how many people love him and have prayed for him. It's an miracluous tale he will be able to tell. :)
That first smile must have made you well up with tears. What a great moment.
This is inspiring...oh my are fabulous!
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