If a picture is worth 1,000 words, how many emotions is it worth?
Spencer had his first soccer game last night and he loved it! It was a beautiful evening and watching our little man run up and down the soccer field, playing with his buddies, and goofing off on the sideline was even better than I imagined it would be!
Here he is lined up with his team before the game:
I guess we can pretend that he's doing some warm-up stretches before he goes in to the game, but anyone who's watched six-year olds play soccer knows better. #6 just hangin' with his buddy, Amman, on the sidelines.
Talking over their game-plan:
On the sidelines again with buddy Ben:

Spencer and Ben enjoying a time-out. The general goofiness that accompanies these games is my favorite part! I'm not sure the coach would agree.
And now for some action shots! (There are two #6's on the team--he's the tall one.)
Sheer joy, total thankfulness, and what a beautiful miracle he is.
Wonderful pictures that must fill you with so much more than joy. After reading more of your posts, I'm humbled and awed at all the skill , love and dedication that went into making these precious pictures possible.
Wow what a wonderful thing that he is now playing soccer............
This post gave me chills all over and a lump in my throat. He is miraculous. What a sweet boy!
That is great!! Let us know when they are playing (your girls too) so we can come.
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