Happy Birthday to our little Claire Bear!! She turned three on Sunday and we just love her so much! Having five children means that every time we've had a birthday party for a 3 year old, there was another little baby in my arms or on the way. At those moments I have said, "See? This is why I keep having babies. So that I can always have a three year old in the house!" I just love three. It's such a fun age to experience with my children. But alas, there comes a time in life when a person, (translation: Matt) just has to say, "Enough is enough!" Which means we've just had our last 3rd birthday party. It isn't sad. It's just one more milestone. But it's true that you learn to appreciate the little moments more and more. So this birthday was especially fun for me. And I think that Claire enjoyed it too!

Sporting her new pink sunglasses and piggy from Aunt Barbara.