Felt So Fine

Felt So Fine

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Valentine's Tea

Each year for Valentine's Day the PTA hosts a Valentine's Tea for all of the grades. The kids wear best dress to school and use their best manners eating punch and cookies, followed by a partners dance that they learned in P.E. It is high stress around here for a few days leading up to the tea with all the worry of "what boy will they make me dance with?". It's a fun tradition! Paige's tea was the day before since they start the kindergarteners off easy, so I didn't get her picture, but she had a great time too!


Haley L said...

What a neat tradition! Cooper would die, but my girls would love it. Coop has his first school dance coming up. Yikes! Nicole looks at least 16. That HAIR! Wow! Corinne will win the men over with those eyes someday. Are we really not that far away from all of this????

Barbara said...

Wow. Your girls look so nice. It is fun to see.