On Saturday Matt, Nicole, Corinne and I went skiing. This was our second time this year as we went night skiing with the ward a few weeks ago. That time we had Spencer and Paige with us as well, but NO CAMERA!! Even though I have no evidence to back up my claim, I'll just say that Spencer and Paige rocked that mountain! It was the first time for both of them and they had a 1 1/2 hour lesson and then had enough time for 2 runs down Little Beaver. It really was shameful that I couldn't take pics! I atoned this weekend though, and here are the pictures of Nicole and Corinne, plus one with their cousins, Mady and Mayci who were there with Grandma Pat. It was a fun day! This is my first year back skiing after 15 years and 5 babies. I wasn't sure how my body would react, but I was able to keep up with the girls and the next morning who had sore muscles? Not their "old" mom!! I made sure to rub that in their faces when they dragged themselves to the breakfast table complaining of their aching legs.
Corinne, Mayci, Mady and Nicole

Nicole going off a jump
Corinne going off a jump--be sure to watch for the wave at the end. :)