Spencer turned 4 last week and we had a great birthday! The girls were home from school so they played and played with Spencer's new train set. (He finally got a turn to play when they went back to school on Tuesday!) We ended the day with a pizza party celebration in our little man's honor!
On another note:
We had a great Christmas break! Christmas morning was so fun and messier than it's ever been. Here are some pictures of the kids with their new "outfits" (in one form or another).
The day after Christmas we went to the Living Planet Aquarium in SLC and had a great time. The kids had fun with all of the sea life and it was just a nice get-a-way with the family. Tom and Anneke directed us to a great burger joint for dinner: 5 Guys Burgers & Fries--awesome! It's a good thing that we had a fun weekend because on Monday morning we took poor Nicole in for surgery. She had all four wisdom teeth removed as well as surgery on a tooth in the front. It was a rough day but she came through it like a champ! Here is a picture of her poor swollen cheeks on Wednesday. I was afraid they would pop!
Here is a link to our Caring Bridge Blog that journals the story of our miracle boy and his new heart.
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Out of the Mouths of Babes
Matt to kids: "I'm just being facetious." Corinne: "What's facetious?" Matt: "It means sarcastic." Corinne:"Well then just say 'sarcastic'! Why make it complicated? I mean, that's like, why would you say Czechoslovakia when you could just say Kentucky?!" (7/14/12)
Claire: "Grandpa, I want milk." Grandpa: "How do you spell milk?" Claire: Looks at grandpa for a minute and then says, "You tip it!". I'm sure she was wondering why he wanted to know how you "spill" milk. (7/8/12)
"Mom, when I yawn my eyes get sad." Claire, age 3 (3/14/12)
Paige: "Guess what happened at lunch today?!" Corinne: "Lady Gaga came?" Paige: "No. Better! My chocolate milk tasted like pink milk!!" (3/13/12)
"If we had to leave our house and could only bring 4 things I would bring: food, water, a guy who makes electric things work, and the wii." --Paige, age 8 (3/9/12)
"I really wish I had a different mom. One that's nice." ---Claire, age 3 (9/18/11) OUCH!!
5 y/o friend: "My brother's friend is scared of trees and branches." Spencer: "That's crazy!" Friend: "He thinks there's scary stuff in them." Spencer: "Like what?" Friend: "Porcupines" Spencer: "And mini-dragons?" Friend: "Yeah." (9/13/11)